April 2023>

BBIG Shareholders Retain Hutchison & Steffen, PLLC

Attachment BBIG Familywww.bbigfamily.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 04/26/2023 BBIG Shareholders Retain Hutchison & Steffen, PLLC to Fight for Vinco Ventures Success United States –Today, BB.... read more

Posted in News/Media, Press Release

Self Represent In Court

Today, April 21, 2023 Darryl and I entered the courthouse. We were literally making filings all night and even in the morning. Scott sent in some last minute pictures showing the empty Syracuse office.... read more

Posted in Court/Hearings, News/Media, Videos

Vinco Lawsuit Filed - Shareholders represent Themselves "Pro Per"

We filed a lawsuit today to try to stop the meeting. The press release is shown below. However here's the backstory. We called many law firms all over the country to understand the legal possibilitie.... read more

Posted in Filings, Press Release